It's been a long time since we last brough you a big update on what's happening behind the scenes.
31 Jan 2022, 20:02
It's been a long time since we last brough you a big update on what's happening behind the scenes.
Coinciding with the Lunar New Year - Kishu's next journey brings us to Asia!👀
During the last two months, we have worked hard on landing strategic partnerships which will vastly help expand the project in the right direction, as well as offer exceptional credibility and even stronger foundations.
We would like to present to you our newest member; Anndy Lian, a force in the cryptoworld!
You might know Anndy as the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, and his milestones and achievements reach far beyond what we will write here.
Apart from the previously mentioned position, he was also a board member for Hyundai-DAC and a Best Selling Book Author.
Currently,he is also Chief of Mongolian Productivity Organization and an advisor for Asian Productivity Organization.
Anndy will directly be advising and helping Kishu explore and conquer new frontiers.
Anndy is now part of the family!
Everyone, please take a minute to wish him a warm welcome!🎉❤️
You can find Anndy’s twitter here;